Friday, February 17, 2012

Oaxaca Lime Soup

6 to 8 Serves
Words Fail Me.
Best to make the Chicken Broth one day and serve it the next day. It is a bit time consuming but the results are impressive. You will be proud.
To make the intensified broth:1 ½ gallons of canned chicken broth
One three to four pound chicken, or the equivalent in chicken pieces.
1 large onion quartered;do not peel-It makes a rich golden color in the broth. Stick one clove in one of the quarters if you have one.
3 cloves garlic
2 carrots, quartered
2 whole bay leaves
2 celery ribs with tops, quartered
2 couple of sprigs of parsley
Put all the above in a large pot and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 45 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the chicken cool in the broth. When cool enough to handle remove the chicken and vegeetables from the broth. Strain the broth and refrigerate it until the next day. Pull the meat from the bones, cover tightly and refrigerate. Toss the skin and bones.
The next day:
Remove the fat that will have risen to the top of the broth. Put the broth on the stove to heat about 2 hours before dinner. Just bring it to a simmer and keep it there.
Prepare your soup garnishes:
For the Bowls:
1 cup fresh spinach, cut in small strips
1 cup mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 cup Avocado, chopped
1 cup green onions, chopped
1 cup of the boiled chicken, diced
1 cup lime juice
One bunch of cilantro, chopped, toss the tough stems
A couple of halved cherrry tomatoes or tomato wedges
the grated zest of all the limes you squeezed to get the juice you’ll need just a pinch to put in each bowl.

Garnishes to pass at the table:
toasted tortilla strips-or just use plain corn chips
Lime wedges for garnish

Instructions for service in individual bowls:
Put about 1 Tablespoon of each ingredient in the bottom of each bowl. Just a pinch of lime zest in each bowl I proper. Pour in the boiling chicken stock. It will be beautiful.
Have bowls of toasted tortillas (or chips) and lime wedges to pass for each guest to help himself at the table.
Yes, you can just throw everything in the broth and use a ladle, but it’s really nice to do in individual bowls. :)

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