Sunday, January 22, 2012


  This is a wonderful tradition.  Mothers used this to teach their children how to find scripture passages as well as how to cook with this recipe-one way of making cooking fun as well as educational.  A goodeal of intergenerational interaction and parent/sibling bonding.  Not a bad idea is it?  "Let's see, Psalms is in the center of the Bible, which side is Judges on?"

4-1/2 cups cake flour; 1 Kings IV, 22
1 cup butter; Judges V, 25
2 cups sugar; Jeremiah VI, 20
2 cups raisins; 1 Samuel XXX, 12
2 cups figs; Nahum III, 12
2 cups almonds; Numbers XVII, 8
1/2 cup sour milk; Judges IV, 19
3 tablespoonfuls honey; 1 Samuel XIV, 25Pinch of salt; Leviticus II, 13
6 eggs; Jeremiah XVII, 11
2 teaspoonfuls soda; Amos IV, 5
Season with spices to taste; II Chronicles IX, 9
  (Note, I use about a teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/2 a teaspoon of nutmeg and a quarter teaspoon each of ginger and cloves.  By the way, you might notice that in most recipes that call for both cinnamon and ginger you use twice as much cinnamon as ginger.)
Follow Solomon's prescription for making a good boy (Proverbs III, 12) (beat it well), and you will have a good cake. Bake in slow oven.

Burnt Jeremiah Syrup
An old fashioned dessert sauce recipe to turn your Scripture Cake into a delicious cake/ pudding/dessert.
1 1/2 c. Jeremiah 6:20 (sugar)
1/4 c. Genesis 18:8 (butter)
1/2 c. Genesis 24:25 (water)
Melt Jeremiah 6 in heavy skillet over low heat; continue cooking until syrup is deep amber. Add Genesis 24; cook until syrup is smooth. Remove from heat; add Genesis 18 and stir until melted. Cool. Makes approximately 1 1/4 cups syrup.

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