Sunday, January 22, 2012


1 lump sugar, or about a teaspoon, more to taste
1 dash Angostura bitters
2 dashes Peychaud bitgters
1 1/4 ounces rye whiskey (90 proof)
3 dashes absinthe or, in a pinch Pernod or Ouzo
Twist of lemon peel

To mix a Sazarac requires 2 old Fashioned glasses. One is filled with ice and allowed to chill. In the other put sugar with just enough water to moisten, then crush with a bar spoon or muddler. Add angostura and Peychaud bitters, rye and ice cubes and stir to mix and chill.

Empty the ice from the first glass. Dash in the absinthe, twirl the glass between your palms to thoroughly coat inside of glass, and discard excess. Or drink it to prevent waste which seems responsible.  Strain the whiskey-bitters mixture into Absinthe-coated glass, twist lemon peel over drink and put the twist in the drink. Serve without ice.

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