Saturday, January 21, 2012


The Italians don’t have time to be bothered with nonsense in cooking. If they’re grilling a steak they will add some minced garlic and perhaps some fresh rosemary to some oil and Brush it on a steak. let the steak rest at room temperature for a few minutes at most and then salt and pepper to taste.  Lay the oiled and seasoned steak right on the grill. Brush with the oil while grilling every now and then. The oil reduces sticking on the grill as well.

With fish they will often do something like this:
Combine the peel and juice of one orange and one lemon with a two cups of olive oil and about 4 minced cloves of garlic. Heat over medium until it is just boiling, then reduce the heat to a simmer for about 5 minutes. Cool, strain and your flavored oil will be ready. Keeps indefinitely but reheat it now and again (the garlic, you’ll remember, has been cooked).

When you’re ready to grill your fish (or whatever) just brush enough oil over it to coat it well and let it stand a few minutes. Salt and pepper your victim and grill it in the usual way, brushing from time to time with the flavored oil. Simple, direct, delicious. 

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